La gente que me conoce bien sabe que, aunque en general suelo ser una persona mañosa, la cocina, definitivamente no es lo mio. Me encanta comer, casi diría que es un hobby! salir a cenar a sitios nuevos, descubrir nuevos sabores.... pero cocinar, lo confieso, me parece una tarea demasiado larga, que requiere mucha atención y paciencia, para lo rápido que después desaparece lo creado...
Precisamente para intentar interesarme por el mundo de la cocina me apunté a un curso de cupcakes. Siempre me han parecido taaan monos! Creía que sería una motivación, pero desde entonces no lo he vuelto a intentar!... y me da penita, porque la verdad es que son muy resultones, ¿os gustan?
The people who really know me would never say that I´m not a 'good with hands' person. But I have to confess that I have a weakness: the kitchen. I have to say that I love food! Discover new restaurants and flavors is almost a hobby for me....but cooking.... uuff... It seems to me a very long task that demands a lot of patience. And the result desapears to fast!
Because of that, trying to motivate myself to cook I enroled in a Cup Cake course the last month. The Cup Cakes are soooo cute! I though that I become more interested in cooking if the food is as lovely as that...but I think that it din´t work!! I have never cook Cup Cakes again since then, and is a pity because they are so pretty! Do you like it?